Hats for Life Project
Created by Tamiko 17 years ago
It has been six years now that the Culver City Girl Scout Troop 701 has committed to the project, "Hats for Life". The birth of the idea came from Amy, a troop member who collected women's hats for those going through cancer treatment. Amy had designed this project for her Bat Mitzvah service project. These women's hats were filled with products, packaged beautifully and used as centerpieces for her event. Each package was donated to a woman's cancer treatment center.
Each year Lauren’s Girl Scout Troop continued Amy’s idea, only now they educate the public that Cancer is not gender or age specific! Hats are needed for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. These hats must be soft, have brims to shield from the sun and be comfortable to wear. Each year the girls select an inspirational theme, the packages contain a bottle of water to satisfy a thirst, readings or drawings from the local elementary school children are included.
Thus far, the “Hats for Life” project has remained a grassroots project and has grown to include a few more Culver City Girl Scout Troops, Houses of Worship, Schools, and local businesses. The program is now growing across state lines! Some national companies are donating their goods to be included in the packages. This last year, the project gathered a substantial amount of children’s hats that were shipped off to Saint Jude’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee!!!
The impact of this project happens one hat at a time! If you know of someone who could use a hat, just do it! And watch the MAGIC begin! With each year the grassroots grow deeper and we are on the right journey to greener paths ahead!
To find out more about the Hats for Life Project contact Don Eslick at 310-837-9281. Hats are gathered all year, the packaging takes place in the Spring.