My Dear Lauren

2007 November 11

Created by Don Eslick 16 years ago
I know that we gather today with a sad heart and with a heavy feeling of loss but we should also remember that although we can not touch her and hold her she is wrapped in the arms of loved ones, she is protected, she is happy and she is free of pain. For six years she has faced a tough and difficult battle with cancer. Although there were many days of fatigue, nausea and weakness she never complained and she was always more concerned for those around her. She loved everyone regardless of race, religion or age. She loved babies and a soft giggle would melt her heart. She could easily connect with the elderly and bridge any age gap with a soft touch or a twinkle in her eye. She often reminded us that although we may be angry or disappointed with someone we should look for at least one good thing about that person. With that being said, you never wanted to be the one to disappoint her. She showed interest in everyone around her. She talked to people in elevators. She would always ask any waiter, waitress or busboy, “Are you happy today?” And at first there was a startled or curious expression followed by a grin and a warmth in their face. She loved to tease and would often pull a Pink Panther “Kato” move on me with an unsuspecting tackle onto the bed as I passed by. I got to where I could see the twinkle in her eye just before but never got tired of it. She taught by love and example and the best proof of that are our daughters. What ever project she took on it was with a pure motive, determination and a belief that it would improve someone’s life. We can see success with her commitment to the Baha’i Faith, Girl Scouts, education and her community. Each of you has been affected by her gentle poking or prodding to become involved, help in a project or realize what you can do for someone else. We will miss her, we will be sad and we will have a heavy heart. We should also be comforted by that fact that our loss will be the joy of loved ones that can now comfort her, welcome her and wrap her spirit in love and endless happiness. She is free from pain, suffering and struggle. She is free to soar as a beautiful bird and will watch over all of us and protect us. I am happy that she is free. With all my love, Don